About Us

Welcome to Gettysburg Polish Pottery! Our original brick and mortar store opened in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in August of 2014, and stocks over 5000 shapes in exquisite patters of polish stoneware from the Ceramika Artystyczna factory in Boleslawiec, Poland. A selection of our offerings is now available to you for online purchase. If you are not familiar with Polish Pottery, it is lead and cadmium free, safe for use in the oven, microwave, and dishwasher, and extremely resistant to chips and cracks. Baking and cooking in Polish Pottery is an absolute joy. It maintains its' temperature once removed from from the oven, to keep food ideal for serving. The pottery literally cleans up better than Teflon! Once you bake in a piece of Polish Pottery, it will be the one you use EVERY time. The tableware is typically mix and matched for the perfect combination. If you prefer, table settings are beautiful in one pattern instead of combinations. Our goal is customer satisfaction. Weather you are new to Polish Pottery, looking to add to your existing collection, or are a seasoned Polish Pottery collector, we work very hard to assist our customers in finding the exact piece they desire. Welcome to the Polish Pottery Family! We look forward to working with you soon.